Grey Wolf Collar

In late October of 2006 I got the rare privilege to go out in the field with a DNR Biologist to put a radio tracking collar on a Michigan  Timber Wolf.( or grey wolf).  The wolf had been accidentally caught in a trappers trap. This is a good example of hunters and trappers working together for the betterment of wildlife. This trapper calling the DNR afforded the opportunity to radio collar and track yet another grey wolf. Believe me, this was definitely a highlight of my life, to be able to see, touch and photograph a wild timber wolf in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Fantastic!  Here are some photos of the event.

Timber wolf or Grey wolf

Timber wolf sedated

Placing a Radio Collar on a Grey Wolf in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

To see more photos CLICK HERE

I also took a video of the wolf as it recovered from sedation. You can view it by clicking one of the links below.

Timber wolf realease video

Michigan Timber Wolf Release

6.27 MB

6.05 MB

5.95 MB

