Tricksee the Camel

Tricksee a 6 year old Dromedary Camel

Pictured above is Tricksee. In this picture she is about 6 years old and extremely gentle. Camel will eat or at least chew on almost anything, so what ever you want to keep, make sure it's out of their reach. We now monitor the amount of hay and grain that Tricksee gets each day. We used to give her all the hay she wanted, but she put on too much weight and started having knee problems. Camel are desert animals and do very well on poor rations. We over did it with kindness. She has lost some weight and her legs support her very well now. She doesn't seem to mind the cold or snow too much, but we do have to watch her on ice. Camel have large round padded feet for walking on sand and not much traction for walking on ice.

5 year old Dromidary Camel mug shot
Tricksee all grown up at 5 years old.

It takes about 3 or 4 years before camels are mature enough for breeding and after about 2 years old you can start to ride them.  Due to Tricksees weak knees, she will never be ridden.

* Tricksee is no longer with us and is missed by many visitors and by us here at the zoo. We lost her in May of 2006. Her her size and weight caught up with her thin bones. She was a great first camel. *

If you would like to see more photos of Camels at the zoo


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Copyright © 2012 GarLyn Zoological Park, Naubinway, Michigan 49762