Tropical Building at

GarLyn Zoo Wildlife Park





A look inside the new tropical building at GarLyn Zoo


The tropical building houses many reptiles and snakes as well as the animals that need heat for the winter like the monkeys and fruit bats.


Ball Python at GarLyn Zoo  Tarantula at GarLyn Zoo  Gila Monster at GarLyn Zoo



     There are Boas and Python, Tagu, Gila Monster, Bearded Dragon, Skink, Iguana, Tarantula and more


Tagu at GarLyn Zoo  Green Iguana at GarLyn Zoo  Python at GarLyn Zoo


Alligator at GarLyn Zoo  Dutch keeping an eye on things at GarLyn Zoo  Gila Monster at GarLyn Zoo


The alligators have a nice warm place when it's cold outside - Dutch keeping an eye on the Tegu to be sure he eats all his dinner - Gila

Click on the link below to hear some animal sounds at the zoo
Animal Sounds